University of Pennsylvania, National Institute on Aging
Title: Motor function assessment for mild cognitive impairment, frailty, and fall risk
Total Award Amount: $232,885
PI: T. Guess
Missouri Department of Transportation
Title: Multibody Dynamics Modeling of TMA Truck and Driver Safety Systems
Total Award Amount: $249,997
PI: Edara, Co-I: T. Guess
American Society of Biomechanics, Grant-In-Aid
Title: A Novel and Objective assessment Tool for Concusion Diagnosis
Total Award Amount: $2,000
PI: J.Thomas, Primary Mentor: T. Guess
American Heart Association, Transformational Project Award
Title: Tonic GABAergic inhibition during the repair phase of human stroke
Total Award Amount: $300,000
PI: C. Cirstea, Co-I T. Guess
Roger S. Williams Research Fund
Title: On-site Instrumented Assessment of Post-concussion Postural Control Deficits
Total Award Amount: $22,501
PI: T. Guess
Kansas City Consortium on Musculoskeletal Diseases
Title: Reconstructing the injury mechanism of acute ACL injury from patellotibial contusion patterns
Total Award Amount: $25,000
PI: T. Guess
MU School of Medicine Translation Research Informing Useful and Meaningful Precision Health (TRIUMPH) Award
Title: Multimodal biomarker of neurodegenerative diseases affecting motor system – an integrative imaging and behavioral study
Total Award Amount: $198,741
PI: C. Cirstea, Co-I T. Guess
MU School of Medicine Translation Research Informing Useful and Meaningful Precision Health (TRIUMPH) Award
Title: Biologic Hip Restoration in Young Active Patients using an Optimized Allograft Transplantation Strategy
Total Award Amount: $197,300
PI: B. Crist, Co-I T. Guess
University of Missouri Coulter Biomedical Accelerator
Title: Mizzou Point-of-care Assessment System (Mizzou PASS): Portable Multidimensional Assessment Tool for Management of Concussive Injuries
Total Award Amount: $50,028
Engineering PI: T. Guess
Clinical PI: B. Bliss
School of Health Professions Catalyst Grant
Title: Evaluating the accuracy, reliability, and clinical efficacy of kinematic foot models in instrumented gait analysis
Total Award Amount: $9,365
PI: J. Hall, Co-PI T. Guess
University of Missouri Extension
Title: MU Extension Interdisciplinary Grant: Physical Function in Older Adults in the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy Program
Total Award Amount: $40,000
PI: S. Ball, Co-I T. Guess
University of Missouri South African Education Program Partnership Grant
Title: Pediatric Knee Disorder Consortium – A Partnership between South Africa and the University of Missouri
Total Award Amount: $19,000
PI: T. Guess, Co-PI A. Stylianou
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Title: Mizzou Functional Assessment Screening Tool (MFAST): A low cost, portable, and efficient motion analysis system.
Total Award Amount: $10,000
PI: T. Guess, Co-PI A. Gray
Coulter Translational Partnership Program
Title: Mizzou Knee Arthrometer Testing System (MKATS)
Total Award Amount: $61,399
Engineering PI: T. Guess
Clinical PI: J. Cook
Coulter Translational Partnership Program
Title: BioJoint Flex
Total Award Amount: $43,745
Engineering PI: T. Guess
Clinical PI: J. Cook
Missouri Orthopaedic Institute Research Grant
Title: Joint Loading and Knee Osteoarthritis
Total Award Amount: $10,000
PI: T. Guess
Missouri Orthopaedic Institute Research Grant
Title: Correlating Motion Analysis Systems and Clinical Testing to Establish an Appropriate Return to Sport Protocol Following ACL Reconstruction in Athletes
Total Award Amount: $10,000
PI: S. Sherman
National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
Award Number RAR061698B
Title: Subject Specific Concurrent Simulation of Movement and Natural Knee Contact Mechanics
Total Award Amount: $137,262
PI: T. Guess
University of Missouri Research Board
Title: Patient-Specific Rehabilitation in Knee Osteoarthritis
Total Award Amount: $34,306
PI: S. Sayers
School of Health Professions Post-doctoral Fellowship Funding Award
Title: Post-Doctoral Fellow in Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
Total Award Amount: Provides 2 years of funding
PI: T. Guess
School of Medicine, UMKC
Title: Biomechanics of the Elbow and Upper-Extremity
Total Award Amount: $100,000
PIs: T. Guess and A. Cil
National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
Award Number RAR061698A
Title: Subject Specific Concurrent Simulation of Movement and Natural Knee Contact Mechanics
Total Award Amount: $308,602
PI: T. Guess School of Medicine, UMKC
Title: Development and Validation of a Computational Elbow Model
Total Award Amount: $80,000
PIs: T. Guess and A. Cil
National Science Foundation
Award Number CMMI-1039524
Title: MRI: Acquisition of Mechanical Testing Equipment to Support Musculoskeletal Research and Engineering Education
Total Award Amount: $234,917
PI: T. Guess 2009
Missouri Life Sciences Research Board
Award Number 09-1078
Title: Computational Simulation of Canine Biomechanically Induced Unicompartmental Osteoarthritis: a Concurrent Multiscale Approach
Total Award Amount: $556,957
PI: T. Guess 2008
National Science Foundation
Award Number CBET-0821459
Title: MRI: Acquisition of an Experimental Platform to Support Research and Educational Activities in Human Motion
Total Award Amount: $263,685
PI: T. Guess 2007
National Science Foundation
Award Number 0748331
Title: REU Supplemental Award: Dynamic Simulation of Joints Using Multi-Scale Modeling
Total Award Amount: $12,000
PI: T. Guess 2005
National Science Foundation
Award Number CMS-0506297
Title: Dynamic Simulation of Joints Using Multi-Scale Modeling
Total Award Amount: $441,990
PI: T. Guess University of Missouri Research Board Grant
Title: Neuromuscular Control of the Quadriceps: Minimization of Patellar Stress During a Squat
Total Award Amount: $28,117
PI: T. Guess 2004
Faculty Research Grant, University of Missouri � Kansas City
Title: Dynamic Computational Modeling of the Patello-femoral Joint: Articulating Surface Stress and Muscle Activation
Total Award Amount: $6,994
PI: T. Guess